Animation of the song created by the American @Jax. Jackie Miskanic, known professionally as Jax, is an American singer-songwriter from East Brunswick, New Jersey. She finished third on the fourteenth season of American Idol, an American singing competition series. Jax makes pop music without hurting any style. She has no problem wearing Crocs or playing Settlers of Catan for hours (in Crocs). She once trained (Rocky style) to complete a marathon. She even stormed the DJ booth at some Hollywood nightclub to sing along with Paris Hilton after writing a song for her (umm, who wouldn’t?). He went viral a dozen or more times singing pop songs from the perspective of his subjects, attracting 1.3 million followers on Tik Tok, 125 million views, and 17 million likes (although he has no idea what they look like 1 million people together). ). She is from New York and New Jersey, but lives in Los Angeles (you could find her in bars in the Valley before the pandemic, not so much now). Even though she doesn’t actually have kids (that she knows of), she knows more dad jokes than any other dad. She’s just the nerd we need right now. Topic: Victoria secret, by jax with subtitles in Spanish About bulimia and problems of acceptance of our bodies.
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